Online Delivery Policy

  • Currently we’re only offering COD (Cash On Delivery) inside or outside DHAKA.
  • For special cases or products, you may need to advance token money for confirming your order. Token money for advance depends on the product price.
  • Before online order, Please contact our team if the product is available in our stock. Contact: +880-1327217738, +880-1676788835,+880-1768429929, +880-1908729055
  • After placing the order, our team will verify your order. If you fail to confirm the order three consecutive days, your order may get cancelled.
  • If the product you ordered is in our stock and your order is verified, the order will be processed within 48-72 hours depending on the third-party courier service. Although we do not guarantee same day delivery of any product, we deliver products to almost all parts of the country
  • Orders are not processed on weekends, holidays.
  • Prekite Technologies reserves the right to cancel your order without any prior notice.